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We take sustainability very seriously at Carolina Ingredients.

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  • carolina-ingredients-solar-panels
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  • seasoning-company-warehouse

Carolina Ingredients is the first seasoning manufacturer to be awarded the Silver Award by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) by the US Green Council.


One of our core cultures (our version of our vision) is to “optimize sustainable practices.”  In 2010, with the relocation to our South Carolina facility, we installed solar panels on our roof to provide a secondary fuel source for our manufacturing plant and hot water for our office. These units produce approximately 3,000 kilowatts of electrical energy on an average sunny day and decrease Carolina Ingredient’s carbon footprint annually by more than 23 tons of carbon dioxide, which is the equivalent of taking 6 cars off the road.

Over 90% of office space and plant have natural light provided via windows and 38 solar tubes.  The whole building has motion sensors to turn lights off and on based upon people traffic.  Monthly we measure our contribution to reduce emissions, monitor our water and utilities use, and the ratio of non-recycled vs. recycled waste.  Carolina Ingredients has two company cars that are hybrids, plus we have onsite parking spots allocated exclusively for hybrid cars.  In 2009, Walmart asked their top vendors to take a serious look at their sustainability programs. They asked suppliers two questions: What are they doing internally to become more sustainable?  What are their suppliers doing to become more sustainable?  We are there!  We are LEED and we truly lead the way in our industry.